
About Aspida Webmail Aspida webmail is a web site located on a Aspida Secure Messaging Platform unit. Aspida webmail... Adding a Signature to your Email If you usually add the same text to the end of every email that you write, instead of typing it... Adding contact groups You can group your contacts so that you can send email to a group of recipients all at once.To... Adding new contacts You can add contacts to your personal address book either when viewing your address book, or when... Address Books You can use the Contacts icon on the top right of the page to: Access or download the address... Bulk/Quarantined Email In your list of mailbox folders in the left-hand navigation pane, in addition to your Inbox,... Calendar Aspida webmail calendar enables you to schedule daily events, send event reminders, and download... Calendar sharing If your system administrator enable the WebDAV and CalDAV services on Aspida, you can share your... Change your Password and Idle Timeout To keep your email secure, it is important to choose a strong password, keep it secret, and... Changing your Display Name and Reply Address When your network administrator created your email account, he or she may have configured your... Checking and Composing Email When you log in to Aspida webmail, it shows your Inbox folder, enabling you to see whether you... Checking your email When someone sends an email to you, if it is not detected as spam, it will appear in your Inbox.... Composing email To write a new email message, click the Compose Mail icon at the top of the page. A new tab,... Creating a Mailbox Folder In addition to pre-existing mailbox folders that are required by the FortMail webmail system,... Customizing your Antispam Settings Aspida webmail provides extensive antispam services that work to prevent unwanted (spam) email... Downloading your Address Book If you have created an Address book in Aspida Mail you can download comma-separated value (CSV)... Editing Email Display You can configure the time interval to check new emails and edit message tags and filters. This... Encrypted Email When you receive a secure email notification, you can log on to the Aspida webmail to view your... Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox - Which web browser to use? From our testing, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge are the best options for checking your... Managing your Email Account's Storage Space The storage capacity of your email account can vary by the number of email users, total amount of... Personal address book Use your personal address book to Add new contacts individually Upload an address book to add... Preferences You can use the Preferences link under the Gear icon that is located at the top right corner of... Searching for an Email If you cannot immediately find the email that you want to display, you can search for it.To... Setting an auto-reply message People sending you email will usually expect a prompt reply. If you know that you will be away... Setting default webmail calendar Click Calendar, then the Gear icon to set calendar time format and default view and click OK. Setting up Email Forwarding Caution: If you receive emails containing Protected Health Information (PHI) Aspida strongly... Setting your webmail general preferences You can change the language and time zone of Aspida webmail.To change display preferences... Uploading your address book Especially when beginning to use Aspida webmail, you may need to add many contacts at...
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